Dyskinésie paroxystique induite par l'effort (PED) - Chien de berger des Shetland

Paroxysmal Exercise-Induced Dyskinesia (PED) is a neurological condition in Shetland Sheepdogs defined by episodic involuntary movements lasting anywhere from minutes to hours. Clinical signs can start either during activity or while at rest and are commonly induced by excitement or stress. In some cases, hot weather can increase clinical signs, that are commonly mistaken for epileptic seizures. Signs often appear at 3 to 7 months of age when affected dogs suffer from episodes of ataxia with hypermetria and hypertonia of all limbs, dystonia, kyphosis and low head carriage. Laboratory tests can indicate mild lactic acidosis and lactaturia, mild intermittent increase of serum creatine kinase and hypoglycemia, while muscle biopsy can uncover mild type II fiber predominant muscle atrophy. A specific diet (gluten-free, grain-free, with low-glycemic index and high tryptophan content), stress reduction and in some cases treatment with antiepileptic drugs can result in partial reduction or complete termination of dystonic episodes enabling a good quality of life.

Inheritance: presumed autosomal dominant (still under research)read more

Mutation: PCK2 gene

Genetic test: The method used for testing is extremely accurate and allows complete differentiation between affected animals, carriers and healthy dogs. Testing can be done at any age.

Sample: EDTA whole blood (1.0 ml) or buccal swabs. Detailed information about sampling can be found here.



54,00 €


37,80 €

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