Spongy Degeneration with Cerebellar Ataxia subtype 2 (SDCA2) is a hereditary disease which can be tested with a DNA test. Spongy degeneration with cerebellar ataxia (SDCA) is genetically heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive degeneration of cerebellum and extracerebellar structures. First clinical signs appear in first few weeks of age and are mainly associated with cerebellardysfunction. Affected puppies showgeneralized ataxic gait, balance loss, seizures and central blindness. Affected puppies may die during a seizure. Clinical signs show very rapid progression and puppies are usually euthanized.
Inheritance: autosomal recessive - read more
Mutation: ATP1B2 gene
Genetic test: The method used for genetic testing is extremely accurate and allows complete differentiation between affected animals, carriers and healthy dogs. DNA testing can be done at any age.
Disease control: read more
DNA test sample: EDTA whole blood (1.0 ml) or buccal swabs. Detailed information about sampling can be found here.